Turning schools into social enterprises
In order to guarantee decent living and studying conditions for the students, Wallah We Can developed a model, at a boarding school in Makthar, Governorate of Siliana, which ensures energy independence and food self-sufficiency. These two factors generate profit, which is reinvested in educational and recreational infrastructures.
This sustainable and ecological project also allows offering some students’ parents employment in the fields that produce fruit and vegetables to the school canteen. Our Greenschool operates according to the following pattern: a social, ecological and solidarity-based enterprise, which implements a virtuous cycle benefiting the whole family.
Wallah We Can supports schools implementing a project-based pedagogy resting on 4 areas: health, education, food and energy. These schools can apply for certification / a labelling system to promote their approach and become a Greenschool in turn.
The 4 required areas to become a GreenSchool

One can contribute to general well-being and health in a school by many ways. Among the activities to implement in the context of this certification :
• Telemedecine
• Training and awareness workshops on reproductive health through the Ecolibree project

Among the activities to implement in the context of this certification:
• Providing students an e-learning platform for more academic support
• Initiating school club activities (sports, entrepreneurship, data processing, etc). See WWC clubs
• Staff support workshops

A varied and balanced diet, with the required nutritional intake is an essential health factor. This observation had resulted in implementing the Kid’Chen project and the cultivation of 8 hectares of land to ensure food self-sufficiency of the Makthar boarding school.
• Support for developing school kitchens
• Support for capacity building of school kitchen staff
• Design of balanced menus to meet students’ needs view menus

It is important in a school to identify and remedy the weaknesses in order to save energy. Among the activities to implement in the context of this certification:
• Ensure compliance of the electrical installation, thermal isolation of buildings, and waterproof sealing of roofs.
• Limit waste disposal, and have a composter.
• Assist the school in achieving energy indepndence (solar panels, wells, etc).
For more information on GreenSchool
Curious to know the state of Makther boarding middle school before our intervention? check these pictures
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Team GreenSchool

Abrar Nhouchi
GreenSchool coordinator

Takwa Tej
Lead agronomist

Jamil Ben ayed
Kid'chen manager

Hela Habbessi

Rahma Mansouri

Dhouha ouerfelli

Lina Jebali
Lead nutritionist

Arij Khemiri

Améni Beldi

Mariam Jandoubi

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